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C. O’Dwyer and K.Z.S. Schwartz. Minority rights after EU enlargement: a comparison of anti-gay politics in Poland and Latvia. Comparative European Politics 8, 2 (2010): 220-243.

C. O’Dwyer and K.Z.S. Schwartz. Return to (illiberal) diversity? Resisting gay rights in Poland and Latvia. In Diversity and European Integration, eds. Elisabeth Prügl and Markus Thiel (Palgrave/Macmillan, 2009), pp. 115-134.

‘The occupation of beauty’: imagining nature and nation in Latvia. East European Politics and Societies 21, 2 (2007): 259-294.

‘Masters in our native place’: the politics of national parks on the road from Communism to ‘Europe.’ Political Geography 25, 1 (2006): 42-71.

Wild horses in a ‘European wilderness’: imagining sustainable development in the post-Soviet countryside. Cultural Geographies 12, 3 (2005): 292-320.

Nature, development, and national identity: the battle over sustainable forestry in Latvia. Environmental Politics 8, 3 (1999): 99-118. 


Oxford University Press, 2019

Waters of Destiny: Big Sugar and Flood Control in South Florida. University of Georgia Press, forthcoming.

R. Price, K.Z.S. Schwartz et al. Water, sustainability, and survival. In The Coastal Everglades (2019).

V.H. Rivera-Monroy, J.R. Cattelino, J.R. Wozniak, K.Z.S. Schwartz et al. The life of P: a biogeochemical and sociopolitical challenge in the Everglades. In The Coastal Everglades (2019).


Big Money, Big Politics, and Big Infrastructure: Florida’s saga illustrates climate change’s deep challenges. NewSecurityBeat, March 31, 2015.

Panther politics: neoliberalizing nature in southwest Florida. Environment and Planning A 45, 10 (2013): 2323-2343.

K. Suding et al. Committing to ecological restoration. Science 348, 6235 (2015): 638-640.

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